The description: The scenography (scenographic style, design, scenographic art) dictates to the executor of a role scenic behaviour. The scenograph frequently unites in itself designer of costume (of suit) and the designer of scenery (scene-painter, scene-designer). The set designer costs closer to the director of performance and determines structure, kind of production. He is a founder of a show. It on his art taste (culture) depends: there will be a spectator success at scenic performance or will not be. In photo is portraits (images) of actors and actresses, their executions in productions of repertory (repertoire) theatres (theaters) of Moscow, and also genre scenes of performances are submitted. Pictures (photographic images, photographies) basically is black-and-white. Photographing (shooting) was made during theatrical performance. The photographer tried to fix individual creative person, virtuosity and improvisation of the executor and to catch except a mask of the actor (histrionic facial gesture and gestures) his improvisation, and also stylistics(an aesthetics of theatricality) of production.