Performance about poet Sergey Yesenin - not a rarity in repertoire
(repertory) of drama theatres (theaters). The most important here
- dramatic art. A subject base of this product - a history of mutual
relations of two bright bohemians of 20th years of the last century:
Russian poet Sergey Yesenin and the American dancer Isadora Duncan
who has arrived to Russia under impression of revolution of October
1917 to build essentially new children's choreographic school. The
play demands from spectators all the same some knowledge, for example,
about the one who such Isadora Duncan and her revolutionary plastic
improvisations (compositions). And about how ruthlessly state political
machine with the custom-made ideology breaks off all this confusing
sensual ball of sufferings, errors and disappointments. Photographing
of actors from auditorium represents the picture story (reporting)
during theatrical performance. In black-and-white photos (pictures,
photo) are presented portraits of 2 actors (executors) playing main
parts in scenic action, and also the genre scene. Characters and
executors: Sergey Yesenin - S.Bezrukov, Isadora Duncan - O.Seleznyova,
Galina Benislavskaya - N.Kuznetsova, Irma - E.Polyanskaya, Translator
- B.Dergun, Artist - O.Filipchik, First poet - B.Mironov, Second poet
- A.Kovalyov, Girlfriend of Benislavskaya - E.Mosvkvina-Tarkhanova,
Mister A. - V.Pavlov, Missis A. - G.Lavrishcheva, Gipsy - G.Semenenkova.